Why Frozen Seafood Is Better Than Fresh?

Do you really think fresh seafood is better than frozen? No, Naturally, most people will assume fresh fish is better by default, as fresh usually equates to better quality. But let’s not jump to conclusions. Apart from the potential loss of water-soluble minerals, freezing preserves the fish’s quality and most of its nutritional value. Fresh fish is also a little trickier to handle and transport, plus they are susceptible to bacterial contamination. Freezing preserves the storage life of foods by making them more inert and slowing down the detrimental reactions that promote food spoilage and limit quality shelf life. Freezing is one of the most important processing and preservation methods for fish.

Fresh Fish V/S Frozen Fish

Fresh fish degrades rapidly.

Freezing efficiently preserves the fish by preventing the decomposition process.

It smells bad when fresh seafood is kept outside for days.

Because frozen food is stored in a hygienic environment, cooking rarely emits odors. .

Freshly caught fish is kept at zero degrees Celsius by fish dealers, which does not successfully inhibit decomposition

In a factory, fish is flash-frozen and kept at a consistent temperature of -18 degrees.

In a factory, fish is flash-frozen and kept at a consistent temperature of -18 degrees.

Frozen fish can be stored for up to 18 months at -18 degrees Celsius.

After being removed from the freezer, fresh fish must be consumed in its whole.

Depending on the quantity needed, frozen fish might be utilised.

Fresh fish availability varies seasonally.

Frozen food is available throughout the year.

Fresh fish quality, taste, and texture are decreasing by the hour

If kept at -18 degrees, the frozen food’s taste, texture, and quality will not change.