When it comes to cooking seafood, many people believe that fresh is always best. However, this is not necessarily the case. In fact, there are several compelling reasons why frozen fish can be a better choice than fresh.

  1. Convenience: Frozen fish is convenient and can be stored for long periods of time, making it an excellent option for those who don’t live near the coast or don’t have access to fresh seafood. Additionally, frozen fish can be thawed and cooked quickly, making it an easy and hassle-free meal option.

  2. Quality: When fish is caught, it begins to deteriorate immediately. To preserve its quality, it must be processed and frozen within hours of being caught. This means that the quality of frozen fish can often be better than fresh fish that has been sitting on a fishmonger’s counter or in a grocery store’s display case for several days.

  3. Cost: Frozen fish is often more affordable than fresh fish because it is more readily available and can be purchased in bulk. Additionally, buying frozen fish can help to reduce food waste because you can only thaw what you need, which reduces the likelihood of spoilage.

  4. Sustainability: Frozen fish is often sourced from sustainable fisheries, which are better for the environment and help to preserve the world’s fish populations. Additionally, freezing the fish can help to reduce the need for shipping fresh fish long distances, which is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

 While fresh fish may seem like the best option, there are many reasons why frozen fish can be a better choice. From its convenience and quality to its affordability and sustainability, frozen fish is an excellent option for those looking to enjoy a delicious seafood meal.